DGTrends youth consultation to be held in Nairobi.

African Union (AU)organs and institutions that form the African Governance Architecture (AGA) and its Platform (AGP)
are convening the Third High Level Dialogue on Democracy, Human Rights and Governance focusing specifically on how democratic – developmental governance can be leveraged to silence Africa’s blazing guns. As part of the build up to the Dialogue, the second youth consultation to the High Level Dialogue on Democracy, Human Rights and Governance will be convened to provide young people the space to impart, contribute and influence the discourse on how their passion, energies, insights, creativity and innovation will contribute to the building of a culture or democracy and peace in Africa to bring an end to conflicts on the Continent.

At the heart of Africa’s violent conflicts, lies the problem of governance deficits which has hindered development and triggered violent conflicts on the Continent. Given the fact that weak democratic governance is part of the structural causes of Africa’s protracted violent conflicts, it is imperative that a more sustainable and meaningful response to violence is entrenched by strengthening governance systems, institutions and embedding a culture of democracy that works towards inclusive development.
The search for such sustainable and meaningful response must involve and ensure the active participation of Africa’s young people which are estimated at over 60% of the population. The thematic focus on “silencing the guns in Africa” for the 2014 High Level Dialogue is in direct response to the 50th Anniversary Solemn Declaration adopted by the 21th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government on 26 May 2013.The Declaration, also marked the beginning of the year-long celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) and the African Union (AU), where African leaders committed to ending “all wars in Africa by 2020.

The AU is cognizant of the significant importance of democratic-developmental governance as a foundation for silencing the guns on the continent as enumerated in its various shared values instruments. In this regard, African leaders proclaimed in the 50th Anniversary Declaration their determination to anchor African societies on respect for rule of law, human rights and dignity, popular participation, the management of diversity, as well as inclusion in development and democracy.

Through the Declaration African leaders have committed themselves to:
Strengthen democratic governance including decentralised systems, the rule of law and capacities of national institutions to meet the aspirations of African peoples;
Reject unconstitutional changes of government, including through any attempts to seize power by force but recognise the right of peoples to peacefully express their will against oppressive systems;
Promote integrity, fight corruption in the management of public affairs and promote leadership that is committed to the interests of the people; and
Foster the participation of African peoples through democratic elections and ensure accountability and transparency.

The main goal of the Youth Consultation to the Third High Level Dialogue is to provide and present a framework for the effective engagement of young people in democracy, elections and governance activities on the Continent towards the building of a culture of democracy and peace on the Continent. The specific objectives are to:
Share evidence-based knowledge and analysis on the root causes of conflict in Africa and how they can be addressed through appropriate governance reforms;
Exchange lessons, experience and best practices on the roles of young people in fostering accountable, responsive and effective governance in conflict situations;
Concretize strategies for effective engagement of Africa’s young people on the Africa Governance Architecture and Platform towards silencing the guns in Africa;
Identify entry points for young people in various national, regional and continental processes towards strengthening democratic governance as a means for silencing the guns by 2020.

The African Union Commission is therefore calling on YOU to nominate a young person to be a part of this important conversation. The event will be held in Nairobi September 5-6, 2014.

Deadline for Nomination is 28h July, 2014

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