Posted by Alex Chamberlain in ERA's

On December 19, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) added 20 new substances to its hazardous chemical inventory, a list of substances that have been determined to be significantly harmful to humans and the environment. Do you deal with these chemicals? If you do, this could have implications on your business with Europe.

This list of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) is used to create regulations and restrictions regarding chemical use, processing, and manufacturing by industries across the European Union.

Like the U.S. EPA's TRI substance list, it is updated frequently.

If you business operates in any capacity with the EU, is thinking of expanding operations, or sells manufactured products to the EU, it is in your best interest to stay on top of these updates.

There was a recent proposal to ban two common chemicals in protective coatings, which could have big implications in the coating industry.

Here are the new additions to the hazardous chemical inventory that you need to know:

 Substance Name / CAS# / Reason for Addition
1.      Zirconia Aluminosilicate Refractory Ceramic Fibres /   Carcinogen
2.   Calcium arsenate / 7778-44-1 / Carcinogen
3.   Bis(2-methoxyethyl) ether / 111-96-6 / Toxic for reproduction
4.  Aluminosilicate Refractory Ceramic Fibres / Carcinogen
5.  Potassium hydroxyoctaoxodizincatedichromate / 11103-86-9 /Carcinogen
6.   Lead dipicrate / 6477-61-1 / Carcinogen
7.   N,N-dimethylacetamide  127-19-5  / Toxic for reproduction
8.   Arsenic acid / 7778-39-4 / Carcinogen
9.   2-Methoxyaniline; o-Anisidine / 90-04-0 / Carcinogen
10. Trilead diarsenate / 3687-31-8  / Carcinogen and toxic for reproduction
11. 1,2-dichloroethane / 107-06-2 / Carcinogen
      12.  Pentazinc chromate octahydroxide / 49663-84-5 / Carcinogen
      13.  4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol / 140-66-9 / Probable serious effects to the environment
      14.  Formaldehyde, oligomeric reaction products with aniline / 25214-70-4 / Carcinogen
      15.  Bis(2-methoxyethyl) phthalate / 117-82-8 / toxic for   reproduction
      16.  Lead diazide, Lead azide / 13424-46-9 / toxic for        reproduction
      17.  Lead styphnate / 15245-44-0 / toxic for reproduction
      18.  2,2'-dichloro-4,4'-methylenedianiline / 101-14-4 / Carcinogen
      19.  Phenolphthalein / 77-09-8 / Carcinogen
      20.  Dichromium tris(chromate) / 24613-89-6 / Carcinogen